"The Crimson Trio" 30" x 26" oil on mat board *SOLD |
"Kill or be Killed" 30" x 26" oil on mat board *SOLD |
"Little Angel", 2004 18" x 24" acrylic/oil on cardboard *SOLD returned in Oct. 2006 to sesow.com click here to reserve/inquire |
"Floating Yogi (with teddy)" 30"x 20" oil on mat board *SOLD |
"Above Water" 32" x 21" oil on mat board *SOLD |
"Bachelorette" 30" x 40" oil on stretched canvas *SOLD |
small original paintings approx 4" x 6" acrylic/mixed on matboard *SOLD Reserve/inquire by clicking this link. |
small original paintings approx 4" x 6" acrylic/mixed on matboard *SOLD Reserve/inquire by clicking this link. |
small original paintings approx 4" x 6" acrylic/mixed on matboard *SOLD Reserve/inquire by clicking this link. |
small original paintings approx 4" x 6" acrylic/mixed on matboard *SOLD Reserve/inquire by clicking this link. |
small original paintings approx 4" x 6" acrylic/mixed on matboard *SOLD Reserve/inquire by clicking this link. |
"Lemonhead" 18" x 24" mixed on stretched canvas *SOLD |