www.Sesow.com *** paintings by Matt Sesow ***
EXTRA EXTRA! (october 2, 2006): CLICK HERE to read the interview Sesow gave to Raleigh News and Oberver.


Make comments (anonymous if desired), pose questions, or subscribe to email updates regarding shows/news by clicking this link.

"The Crimson Trio"
30" x 26"
oil on mat board

"Kill or be Killed"
30" x 26"
oil on mat board

"Little Angel", 2004
18" x 24"
acrylic/oil on cardboard
returned in Oct. 2006 to sesow.com
click here to reserve/inquire

"Floating Yogi (with teddy)"
30"x 20"
oil on mat board

"Above Water"
32" x 21"
oil on mat board

30" x 40"
oil on stretched canvas

small original paintings
approx 4" x 6"
acrylic/mixed on matboard
Reserve/inquire by clicking this link.

small original paintings
approx 4" x 6"
acrylic/mixed on matboard
Reserve/inquire by clicking this link.

small original paintings
approx 4" x 6"
acrylic/mixed on matboard
Reserve/inquire by clicking this link.

small original paintings
approx 4" x 6"
acrylic/mixed on matboard
Reserve/inquire by clicking this link.

small original paintings
approx 4" x 6"
acrylic/mixed on matboard
Reserve/inquire by clicking this link.

18" x 24"
mixed on stretched canvas


Feel free to interact with Matt directly by using the contact button on the left. If you'll be visiting Washington, DC please be sure to schedule a visit to his studio located in the vibrant neighborhood of Adams Morgan.

(email: sesow@sesow.com)

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