Matt Sesow is a full time independent artist living and working in Washington, DC. Matt updates this webpage throughout the week with new paintings as they are completed.
"Scoundrel" March 2010 Sesow project started jan. 2010 unique self portrait created over the month using paint/experiences from other works created during the month. oil on stretched canvas *SOLD
"Cowboy Poulet" 33.5" x 47.5" mix on ustretched canvas (reserved for "sesow in Albi", solo in Albi France... march 2010)
"Deux Chiens" 33.5" x 47.5" mix on ustretched canvas *SOLD
"Bunny Astronaut" 15"x 20" mix on watercolor board $300
"Sumo" 9" x 12" mix on bristol paper $90
"Pondering" 9" x 12" mix on bristol paper $90
"Perfect Gent" 10.5" x 13.75" mix on bristol paper $120
"Minature" 9" x 12" mix on bristol paper $90
"Out of Reach" 12.5" x 9.5" mix on bristol paper $90
"Terrible Fish (the armored dinichtys)" 9" x 12" mix on bristol paper *SOLD
"A bit Gamy" 9" x 12" mix on bristol paper $90
"Trained" 9" x 12" mix on bristol paper $90
"Space Man" 15"x 20" mix on watercolor board $180
"Yuri" 15"x 20" mix on watercolor board $180
"birds of france" approx 31" x 41" mix on ustretched canvas *SOLD