Matt Sesow is a full time independent artist living and working in Washington, DC. Matt updates this webpage throughout the week with new paintings as they are completed.
"Animal Distraction" acrylic/oil on paper 26"x40" $280
"Freedom Fighter" acrylic/oil on paper 26"x40" $260
"Stray Kitty" oil/mix on stretched canvas 30"x40" $800
"Rabid" (VARNISHED) oil/mix on stretched canvas 30"x40" $500
"Horse" acrylic/mix on archival bristiol paper 18"x24" *SOLD
"Outsider" acrylic/mix on paper 26"x40" $260
"Che Bunny" acrylic/mix on paper 26"x40" *SOLD
"Piece a Pound" acrylic/mix on paper 16"x 12" *SOLD
"Wild Turkey" March 2010 Sesow project started jan. 2010 unique self portrait created over the month using paint/experiences from other works created during the month. oil on stretched canvas $500
"Peanut" 30" x 40" oil/acrylic/mix on stretched canvas *SOLD
"Mermaid" 30" x 40" acrylic/mix on stretched canvas $500
"Salty Dogs" 30" x 40" acrylic/mix on stretched canvas *SOLD
"Missing Bunny" acrylic/mix on archival bristiol paper 18"x24"
Sketchbook from Solo in Albi, France March 2010 incl. notes for feb 2010 wedding show and other notes aug. 2009- march 2010 approx. 3.5" x 5.5" (68 pages) mix on moleskine sketchbook $350
"Sesow Dogs" acrylic/mix on paper 26"x40" *SOLD
"Girl with Smelly Yoga Mat" acrylic/mix on paper 26"x40" $280
"dogs" acrylic/mix on paper 26"x40" *SOLD
"Domesticated Human Animal" (2010) mix on unstretched canvas 28"x48" $560
"Trauma Cup Bunnies" acrylic/mix on archival bristiol paper 18"x24" *SOLD
"Hopeful" oil on watercolor board 30"x40" $550
"Resist" oil on watercolor board 30"x40" *SOLD
"bull" acrylic/oil on stretched canvas 18" x 24" *SOLD
"Animal Attraction" acrylic/oil on paper 26"x40" $240
"S. Dymphna" acrylic/oil on paper 26"x40" $260
"This is not a print depicting two dogs." mix on paper 26"x40" *SOLD
"A painting depicting two dogs." mix on paper 26"x40" *SOLD
"Titmouse and Warbler" acrylic/oil on stretched canvas 18" x 24" *SOLD
"Gregor Samsa" acrylic/oil on paper 26"x40" $240
"Cock and Bull" mix on unstretched canvas 28"x48" *SOLD
"Field Marks (north american birds)" acrylic/oil on unstretched canvas 37" x 50" *SOLD