Created in WASHINGTON DC: JUNE 2013 | read SESOW bio .... small AVAILABLE paintings .... LARGE available paintings .... contact SESOW.COM |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $50 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $50 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $50 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $50 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $50 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $50 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"Thunderbird" acrylic/oil on stretched canvas 16"x20" *SOLD email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"Wild Turkey" acrylic/oil on stretched canvas 16"x20" *SOLD email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"Under the Influence" acrylic/oil on unstretched canvas 24" x 44" Available from 19KAREN gallery in Queensland, Australia |
"Onward Forward" acrylic/oil on unstretched canvas 24" x 44" *SOLD email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboard or watercolor paper approx. 4" x 6" *SOLD email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboard or watercolor paper approx. 4" x 6" *SOLD email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" *SOLD email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $40 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $40 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $40 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $40 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $40 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $40 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"small june 2013 matt sesow paintings" acrylic/oil on matboardr approx. 5" x 7" $40 each email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
"Swimming with the Fish" acrylic/oil on stretched canvas 16" x 20" *SOLD email to reserve/ask about purchasing. please include url and description. |
Created in DC JUNE 2013 | read SESOW bio .... small AVAILABLE paintings .... LARGE available paintings .... contact SESOW.COM |