Created in DC JULY 2011 | read SESOW bio .... small AVAILABLE paintings .... LARGE available paintings .... contact SESOW.COM |
"Day One" mix on archival paper 28" x 40" *SOLD |
"Bees" 31 Days in July 2011 (8th year), july 4th oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" $700 back of the canvas. |
"Flotilla" 31 Days in July 2011 (8th year), july 3rd. oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" $700 back of the canvas. |
"Man With a Bird" 31 Days in July 2011 (8th year), july 2nd oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" *SOLD back of the canvas. |
"Dirty Birds" mix on archival paper 28" x 40" *SOLD |
"Endless War and Occupation" 31 Days in July 2011 (8th year), july 1st oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" *SOLD back of the canvas. |
"Twittering" 31 Days in July 2011, july 7th oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" *SOLD |
"The Founding Fathers" 31 Days in July 2011 (8th year), july 5th. acrylic on unstreteched canvas 30" x 40" *SOLD |
"Angus (with japanese cesium)" 31 Days in July 2011, july 11th sold oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" (reserved for Transformer Gallery Auction November, 2011) |
"Rude Awakening" 31 Days in July 2011 (8th year), july 6th. oil on stretched canvas 30" x 40" $700 |
"Dalai Lama, with Hovering Buddha" 31 Days in July 2011, july 8th oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" *SOLD |
"All You Can Eat (peas)" 31 Days in July 2011, july 12th oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" $650 |
"Trickle Down" 31 Days in July 2011, july 14th oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" $700 |
"Underdog" 31 Days in July 2011, july 10th oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" $650 |
"Turnabout" 31 Days in July 2011, july 9th acrylic on unstretched canvas 30" x 40" $550 |
"Birthday" (ruling party) 31 Days in July 2011, july 18th acrylic on stretched canvas 30" x 40" $700 |
"Empty Bottle" 31 Days in July 2011, july 15th oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" *SOLD |
"Noxious Fish" 31 Days in July 2011, july 13th oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" *SOLD |
"Bohemian Owl (in grove)" 31 Days in July 2011, july 16th oil/acrylic on unstretched canvas 30" x 40" *SOLD |
"Gang of Six" 31 Days in July 2011, july 23rd *SOLD oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" |
"Kick in the Can (down the road)" 31 Days in July 2011, july 26th *SOLD oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" |
"Bunny Selector" 31 Days in July 2011, july 27th $650 acrylic on unstreteched canvas 30" x 40" |
"Bipartisan" 31 Days in July 2011, july 24th *SOLD oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" |
"Oslo" 31 Days in July 2011, july 22nd oil/acrylic on streteched canvas 30" x 40" *SOLD |
Created in DC JULY 2011 | read SESOW bio .... small AVAILABLE paintings .... LARGE available paintings .... contact SESOW.COM |