The following represent some of the short film work done by Matt Sesow.
UPDATE 2020: Videos should be watchable online soon (by 1Q 2021). thanks, Matt
Additional videos of tv interviews, film, and shows will be added as they become available.
Matt Sesow interview on Larz from Mars TV show (july 2003)
"Semblance (2001)
Matt Sesow first solo show at Corcoran Museum, washington, dc (2001)
"seize the day (1993)"
"a short by matt sesow (1996)"
"trinket (1994)"
"poster boy (1994)"
"allen vincent promo (1996)"
"the box (1994)"
"where did she touch you?" (1997)
"celebrated summer" (1998)
"Is That Your Name and Number, Allen Vincent? (1998)